Monday, March 21, 2016

Virtual Coffee Talks at RAMS

In an effort to expand Adams' administrators ability to communicate in alternative ways with parents, Mr. Botelho and Mr. Jordan have participated in two online video forums to answer questions submitted by parents. The video feed of the coffee talk was hosted with Google Hangouts on Air, which produces a Youtube link for viewing. Parents submitted questions with a Google form so that we were able to view questions in real time.

There will always be a place for face to face meetings, but this has provided a nice occasional option for parents who struggle to attend in-person events. In addition, the Hangout on Air platform provides a recording of the event so that it can be viewed later.

Watch our past virtual coffee talks:

November 4. 2015
Topics discussed:
1:49 club ideas
6:04 make-up tests
6:55 retakes for poor grades
8:43 field trips
12:52 school hours
14:22 5 day cycle
16:30 online portfolios
17:30 arts portfolios
18:28 wellness
20:30 scheduling tests and projects
21:20 student stress
22:45 homework
31:00 technology
38:10 plants in lobby
41:15 block scheduling
44:30 why Chromebooks?
48:42 parent/teacher conferences
52:30 homework limits
56:00 web monitoring of Chromebooks
57:00 drug and alcohol education
58:10 Internet work on snow days
February 9, 2016
Topics discussed:
1:00 MCAS schedule
4:27 iParent
5:25 student stress task force
6:56 homework survey
8:06 advice for parents regarding Chromebooks
11:05 teacher use of technology during class
11:35 spelling bee
12:42 notification system
14:02 date reminders
15:22 budget new initiatives
21:15 9th grade Chromebooks?
22:02 assessment retakes
25:35 Chromebooks over the summer?
27:17 homework policies
35:00 homework survey
35:50 student stress
37:37 why different Chromebook each year
38:05 Spring musical
40:10 general technology issues